PokeBoiz RP

PokeBoiz RP@PokeBoizRP

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PokeBoiz RP
Welcome to the world of PokeBoiz RP! Darren, Debbie and Dom Davids are a trio of triplets from Celadon City, they're down on their luck, struggling to survive, and protected only by the three Eeveelutions that they are partnered with. Join us for a tabletop roleplaying game where the PokeBoiz are joined by the cast of a podcast called Season Quest.

This episode was originally published on 1 Dec 2021.
PokeBoiz RP
Join the PokeBoiz in an audio adventure into their very own parody Pokemon TTRPG! There's danger, dastardly Pokemon, and plenty of EPIC PULLS in store for those who subscribe to the PokeBoiz on all podcast platforms, and to their YouTube channel!